When your tooth is infected, it is important that you visit our endodontics office. Endodontics includes the diagnosis and treatment of the dental pulp along with the nerves and tissues surrounding it. The dental pulp is the soft, nerve-filled center of your tooth that branches into each root. Visiting our Great Neck endodontic office in for an endodontics treatment involves the removal of an infected or decayed dental pulp. We refer to this process as a root canal. You will need a root canal to save your vulnerable tooth before the infection gets out of control.

Why do I need a root canal?

If your tooth becomes infected due to extensive decay, cracks, fractures, loose crowns, loose fillings, or disease, endodontics treatment can remove the damaged dental pulp and restore the tooth. If you are in need of treatment, you may notice discomfort in your tooth, sensitivity to drastic temperatures, swelling, bleeding, and persistent toothache. A root canal will help alleviate these symptoms.

What does a root canal consist of?

The root canal procedure performed in our endodontics office involves the use of specialized root canal files that can reach hard to access areas inside your tooth. With these tools, we will remove the infection and the damaged tissue surrounding it. Once we remove these undesired tissues, we will complete the procedure by filling in your tooth with a synthetic substance to give it strength and help it work properly. We will then protect the tooth with a strong crown or filling to prevent further decay. Results should last for many years to come, and they should prevent any other infections.

Will I experience any pain?

Discomfort during a root canal treatment in our dental office is rare. We are incredibly experienced and know how to properly numb the area before root canal therapy begins. A root canal will actually help to relieve the discomfort and pressure you have been experiencing due to your infection. Following the treatment, you may notice very slight tenderness that will quickly dissipate in a few days. You should avoid eating on the recently worked on the side of your mouth and take over the counter painkillers as needed.

Will root canal therapy save my tooth?

In the majority of cases, yes. Success rates are very high for our endodontics treatment, averaging about 90 percent or higher. It is a chance you should take to save your natural tooth and avoid dental costs later for extractions and replacements. No matter the quality of your dental replacement, it will never work just like your natural tooth. Removing the infection now will also keep your other teeth safe instead of allowing the infection to get out of hand.

How can you really use this information?

We encourage you to visit Amir Sedaghat, DDS PC for a root canal treatment if you have any concerns. Avoid future hassle by allowing us to fix your endodontic issue today.

Request a dental appointment here: https://www.ddsendo.com or call Amir Sedaghat, DDS PC at (516) 482-4777 for an appointment in our Great Neck dental office.

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