We can perform an emergency root canal to restore your oral health quickly. A root canal has a bad reputation for being a painful procedure but we are here to say that the pain is actually caused by the infection inside the tooth. By performing this procedure, we help our patients to experience relief as quickly as possible. It is time to put the misconceptions aside and to schedule an immediate appointment if a tooth is infected and causing pain. Working with our clinic is the best way to restore the health of the tooth and begin to feel better.

Signs that an emergency root canal is necessary

During an examination, we can let the patient know if this is the best procedure to correct their oral health problems. However, there are also signs to watch for at home. These include:

  • Throbbing pain in the tooth
  • Tooth pain accompanied by gum pain
  • A dental abscess or hard lump in the gum tissue
  • Pain when eating or drinking
  • Tooth that is sore to the touch
  • Tooth that has gone grey or black

If any of these signs are present, call our office immediately to schedule an examination.

Why a root canal is necessary

When plaque is on the teeth, it will begin to secrete acid. This acid will attack the tooth until a hole is created in the enamel. This is initial tooth decay. If the plaque remains in place and the tooth continues to be attacked, the interior portion of the tooth, the dental pulp, may become infected. The root is in the center of the tooth and it may become infected, as well. This can lead to significant pain and swelling. The only way to solve the problem is to remove the infected area. To do so, a root canal is performed.

Root canal

Before the procedure begins, the patient will be numbed so that they do not feel anything and sometimes, patients go to sleep. Then, the tooth will need to be prepared and the dental drill will be used to access the interior of it. At that time, the affected portion of the tooth and the dental root may be removed. This will eliminate the infection but the area will still need to be cleaned and sometimes antibiotics are also necessary. With all of the infection removed, the tooth can be filled to prevent any further infections and problems.

Natural looking

The restoration used after the infection has been removed can look very natural whether a dental crown, inlay or onlay, the end result will be a natural looking and fully functional tooth. By placing a tooth-colored crown, for example, we ensure that the tooth is protected and durable enough to bite down on without discomfort, eat a full diet and speak without concern. Our solutions are durable and functional, while still beautiful and designed to blend in.

Learn more

To find out if you need an emergency root canal, call today to schedule an appointment.

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